Gulf Energy Consultants

Industry Experts

Who We Are

Gulf Energy Consultants’ (GEC) specialized team has assisted many clients with a full range of expertise essential to evaluating feasibility and viability as well as ownership and operation of LNG (floating and land-based), gas processing, NGL/LPG fractionation, syngas (coal gasification and liquefaction), unconventional oil & gas, gas-to-liquids (GTL) and ethylene facilities. For LNG projects, our experienced team can provide the recommended technical and commercial (economic) solutions/options, as well as technical support. Our experience includes small, mid, and large-scale liquefaction (export) and regasification (import) facilities in both onshore and offshore applications.

Contact GEC

+1 (281) 884-9291

Full Service Consultancy

The GEC Team provides a wide range of project support based on experience including project management and project support; process studies; owner’s engineering, consultancy, PMC; front end engineering (FEED), engineering procurement construction support (EPC); plant services and regulatory support.

Owner’s Engineering / Consultants

LNG Import Terminals & Regasification

Liquefaction & LNG Export Terminals

Gas Processing

